Volunteer Crew

Volunteer Overview
Thank you for your interest in Dream Con Volunteer Crew! Anime conventions run on volunteer power and Dream Con is no exception. Be sure to read this section fully. Fill out the form to become part of our Dream Team. We recommend filling out the form on desktop as the mobile format may have bugs.
Volunteer Code of Conduct
All volunteers must exemplify a professional attitude and attire at all times. All volunteers must respect con-goers, dealers, guests, and other staff members, regardless of gender, race, religion or any other differences. On the day of their first shift, volunteers must check in to the volunteer headquarters. All volunteers are expected to complete at least 12 hours of volunteer work during the convention.
If you are unable to work your specified shift, please notify the head of volunteers within 2 hours of your designated time. No call, no shows will result in having your badge removed and banned from volunteering at future Dream Con events. Please check your spam folder and add “info@dreamconvention.com” to your contacts to ensure receipt of all future email updates.
Crew Recruitment Phase 1
Crew Applications Open (Early Release; Previous Members Only)
SEPTEMBER 16, 2024
Crew Applications Open (Full Release; Available To Public)
SEPTEMBER 27, 2024
Crew Applications Close (Subject to change; application may close before deadline due to high demand. We appreciate your understanding.)
FEBRUARY 1, 2025
All general applications submitted from:
September 16th to October 31st at 11:59pm CST will be classified as WAVE 1 Priority Applicants.
November 1st to December 31st at 11:59 pm CST will be classified as WAVE 2 Standard Applicants.
January 1st to January 31st at 11:59pm CST will be classified as WAVE 3 Waitlist Applicants.
February 1st or later will be classified as "Waitlist Reserve" and have no confirmed timeline or correspondence.
Crew Recruitment Phase 2
Approved Applicant Notification Dates
Selected candidates will transition from their respective general applicant classification to "Approved Applicant" upon receipt of a confirmation email via info@dreamconvention.com. Due to the volume of submissions, only approved applicants tentatively accepted to join the Dream Con Volunteer Crew may receive follow-up correspondence regarding their status. Rejected applicants may not receive any updates regarding their application but we appreciate the interest and encourage everyone to apply again in the future. All status updates are issued on a rolling basis as they become available however the following are the final dates to expect correspondence if a candidate is selected depending on the original application submission date:
- Selected candidates from the WAVE 1 Priority Applicants will be notified via email on or before NOVEMBER 15th @ 11:59 pm CST and must submit the enclosed onboarding documentation by DECEMBER 1st @ 7:00 pm CST
- Selected candidates from the WAVE 2 Standard Applicants will be notified via email on or before JANUARY 15th @ 11:59 pm CST and must submit the enclosed onboarding documentation by FEBRUARY 1st @ 7:00 pm CST
- Selected candidates from the WAVE 3 Waitlist Applicants will be notified via email on or before FEBRUARY 15th @ 11:59 pm CST and must submit the enclosed onboarding documentation by FEBRUARY 28th @ 7:00pm CST
All candidates from WAVE 1 and WAVE 2 that are not selected/approved and do not receive correspondence on the aforementioned dates will automatically have their submissions rollover to the WAVE 3 Waitlist Applicant cohort for further consideration in the event there are additional vacancies. However, please note rollover applications that are not selected/approved by May 13th ultimately still may not receive any final updates or follow-up correspondence. Again, we appreciate your interest and encourage everyone to apply again in the future.
Failure to submit onboarding/orientation documents by the above deadlines may result in a cancelled offer. Extensions must be requested prior to the deadline. Our team highly recommends confirming travel, lodging, and other relevant accommodations prior to accepting this commitment.
NOTE: Confirmations/Approvals for the Volunteer Crew Program do not include complimentary accommodations such as hotels, flights, or ground transportation. These must be researched and purchased at the private discretion of each individual crew member.
Crew Recruitment Phase 3
Confirmed Membership Onboarding & Orientation
All "Approved Applicants" will transition to "Confirmed Member" of the Dream Con Volunteer Crew upon accepting their offer by completing and submitting the following information:
- Membership Confirmation Form
- Scheduling Availability Questionnaire
Additional documentation may be required depending on a confirmed crew member's department and position. These include, but are not limited to, confidentiality agreements, emergency contact lists, liability waivers etc. Members are expected to attend any required remote meetings scheduled by their department leads. These are typically once or twice a month. Members are expected to complete action items issued via email correspondence in a timely manner or risk revoked membership and removal from the Dream Con Volunteer Crew.
Orientation meetings are scheduled to begin for confirmed members in February. Department assignments will follow in April. Depending on operational needs, meetings may begin earlier for confirmed crew members assigned to high-priority roles and department.
The deadline to request schedule changes will be May 9th at 11:59pm CST. Failure to submit a request on or before this date may result in removal from the volunteer crew and restrictions from additional opportunities.
As a reminder, Dream Con leadership reserves the right to terminate volunteer crew membership at staff discretion for any reason without notice; particularly if onboarding documentation and orientation participation is not in alignment.
Crew Pre-Production General Meetings
Tentative Schedule of Remote/Virtual Event Pre-Production Meetings | Crew members that successfully submit this form will receive a follow-up reminder email in April with the enclosed dates and a hyperlink to attend the meetings. Session A and Session B on each day will contain the same information therefore attendance to only one session is necessary. Dates, times, and other details are subject to change at staff discretion.
Sunday, February 9th | SESSION A @ 12:30pm PDT / 2:30pm CST / 3:30pm EST
Sunday, February 9th | SESSION B @ 5:30pm PDT / 7:30 pm CST / 8:30pm EST
Sunday, February 23rd | SESSION A @ 12:30pm PDT / 2:30pm CST / 3:30pm EST
Sunday, February 23rd | SESSION B @ 5:30pm PDT / 7:30 pm CST / 8:30pm EST
Sunday, March 9th | SESSION A @ 12:30pm PDT / 2:30pm CST / 3:30pm EST
Sunday, March 9th | SESSION B @ 5:30pm PDT / 7:30 pm CST / 8:30pm EST
Sunday, March 23rd | SESSION A @ 12:30pm PDT / 2:30pm CST / 3:30pm EST
Sunday, March 23rd | SESSION B @ 5:30pm PDT / 7:30 pm CST / 8:30pm EST
Sunday, April 6th | SESSION A @ 12:30pm PDT / 2:30pm CST / 3:30pm EST
Sunday, April 6th | SESSION B @ 5:30pm PDT / 7:30 pm CST / 8:30pm EST
Sunday, April 20th | SESSION A @ 12:30pm PDT / 2:30pm CST / 3:30pm EST
Sunday, April 20th | SESSION B @ 5:30pm PDT / 7:30 pm CST / 8:30pm EST
* NOTE: Easter Sunday will occur on Sunday, April 20th.
Sunday, May 4th | SESSION A @ 12:30pm PDT / 2:30pm CST / 3:30pm EST
Sunday, May 4th | SESSION B @ 5:30pm PDT / 7:30 pm CST / 8:30pm EST
Sunday, May 18th | SESSION A @ 12:30pm PDT / 2:30pm CST / 3:30pm EST
Sunday, May 18th | SESSION B @ 5:30pm PDT / 7:30 pm CST / 8:30pm EST
Sunday, May 25th | SESSION A @ 12:30pm PDT / 2:30pm CST / 3:30pm EST
Sunday, May 25th | SESSION B @ 5:30pm PDT / 7:30 pm CST / 8:30pm EST
Crew Pre-Production Breakout Department Meetings
TBD based on department.
- Three (3) days of admission to the event-at-large via single day badges distributed each day based on performance reviews facilitated by Dream Con leadership. These admission passes will serve as access credential to the venue and general programming for crew members when on-shift working the event and off-shift enjoying the convention during their personal time.
- One (1) commemorative Dream Con Volunteer Crew T-shirt. Additional shirts may be available.
- Access to the volunteer lounge during member’s shift(s) within normal event hours.
Additional Benefits:
NOTE: All additional benefits below vary between years and sometimes between departments. These perks are contingent upon a volunteer crew member's daily performance as reviewed by the executive leadership. All rewards are subject to change at staff discretion without notice.
- Meal Vouchers for on-site food court or food trucks.
- Access to Volunteer Crew Discord channel and community events through end of calendar year
- Access to volunteer lounge during regular show hours including outside of shift. In the event capacity of the lounge is reached crew members currently on shift will be given priority access.
- Access to exclusive reserved discounted hotel block(s) while availability lasts
- Complimentary access to on-site after parties at the primary hosting venue(s) organized, produced, and facilitated by Dream Con staff. NOTE: This does not include third-party events with other organizations (especially those that are off-site) such as previous collaborations with RDCLive, LAN Party, Dreamville, Senpai Squad etc. Approved volunteer crew members must contact their crew manager or staff coordinator for details regarding those initiatives if they are interested in attending.
- Feedback sessions with event staff/leadership to debrief and improve future events
- Eligibility for inclusion in official media recap content
- Written referrals/recommendations for other events and opportunities
- QA/beta testing new products and programs
- Early access and priority consideration for next year's crew/volunteer application
- Early notifications and early access for staff applications; when vacancies are available
- Review and agree to abide by all Dream Con Rules and Policies
- Review and agree to comply with all Dream Con FAQs
- Must be 18 years old by first day of event (proof of identification required on-site at venue)
- Abide by all Dream Con Policies
- Abide by all rules and regulations enforced by all venue(s): hotels, convention center etc.
- Abide by all federal and state laws
- Abide by all safety and health policies established by the venue(s): hotels, convention center, etc.
- Complete a minimum of 12 hours
- Volunteers are not allowed to impersonate staff members
- Volunteers must not alter, damage, or edit Dream Con administered apparel and equipment: tshirts, vests, buttons, megaphones, clipboards etc.
- Volunteers are prohibited from using any device to take personal photography/videography especially of official talent and other guests while on shift particularly when in restricted access areas: backstage, lounges etc. This includes asking for selfies or requests to record skits/interviews. Only one (1) counseling/mediation may be facilitated for the first violation at staff discretion. Most incidents and repeat infractions will result in removal from the program and/or the venue at large. Extreme incidents will result in a ban from Dream Con and related events.
- Volunteers are prohibited from entering the green room or staff lounge; the latter area will requires explicit written consent and accompanying staff member be present for an exception to be granted.
Dress Code
All volunteers must adhere to the dress code for the entirety of the convention. The dress code is as followed:
- No swimwear or bikinis
- No body paint or extremely tight-fitting clothing
- Shirts, pants, and shoes must be worn at all times
- No offensive clothing (shirts with certain language, obscene images etc.)
- No tattered or ripped shirts or jeans
- Acceptable level of hygiene
Dream Con recommends that all volunteers wear comfortable clothes; many positions require long periods of walking and standing.