
All participants of Dream Con must adhere to all rules and policies. This is how we can keep Dream Con fun, safe, and welcoming for all. All illegal activity is prohibited. The following rules and policies will be enforced during all Dream Con events:
Covid-19 Policy
In the past year, COVID-19 restrictions have shifted across the nation. The Dream Team has been keeping a close eye on these changes. More importantly, we are aware that changing policies have impacted insurance, thus impacting equitable access to COVID-19 tests and vaccination. From a lens of equity and access, we have amended our COVID-19 policy for the 2023 con and appreciate your understanding.
While we will not require COVID-19 vaccinations or a negative PCR test, we STRONGLY encourage all attendees, vendors, guests, staff, volunteers, and all others 12-years of age and older to:
1. Fully vaccinate with an authorized vaccine by the FDA, CDC, or WHO (World Health Organization).
- According to the CDC, “fully vaccinated” means:
A 2-dose series of an mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine (Pfiizer-BioTech or Moderna), OR A single-dose COVID-19 vaccine (Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen vaccine). Pfiizer-BioTech, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen (J&J) shots. Single-dose.
- In April 2023, the FDA and CDC released data findings supporting single doses of bivalent Moderna and Pfizer vaccines in lieu of the original multi-dosage monovalent mRNA vaccines and recognizes recipients as “fully vaccinated.”
2. Receive a negative COVID test dated no earlier than 72 hours before the event start date/time.
- Any COVID tests conducted by a reputable third-party are reliable. At-home/self-reported COVID tests are not reliable.
- Attendees are responsible for researching and selecting reputable test providers and using discernment to make an informed choice.
3. Continue social distancing and wear a mask indoors in large groups when not actively eating or drinking.
NOTE: Be advised all protocols greatly mitigate but don't completely eliminate the risk of contracting illness. Be mindful of this potential outcome before committing to this event. Public health remains a top priority. Attendees are highly recommended to continue using masks, contact tracing, and social distancing guidelines. Dream Con will always take the necessary steps to protect and inform the community if a transmission incident does occur.
- By registering for a Dream Con badge, you agree not to sell, trade, transfer, or share your promotional code, email confirmation, or badge. Confirmations and/or badges that have been sold or provided by anyone other than Dream Con will not be honored.
- To receive badges, your name must match a valid-government issued photo ID.
- To be permitted to any Dream Con function, you must wear and present your membership badges at all times. Security will be checking your badges throughout the convention.
- All sales are final for all badge purchases and, therefore, non-refundable. All badges are non-transferable to any other Dream Con event. This also includes all badges. Dream Con reserves the right to change the Refund, Transfer, and Resale Policy at any time without notification.
- Dream Con reserves the right to change the Refund, Transfer, and Resale Policy at any time without notification.
Prohibited Items
Possession of alcoholic beverages in the convention space by anyone under 21 years of age (it’s the law) is grounds for expulsion from the convention without refund. Alcohol or alcoholic beverages are not allowed inside the convention center or at any of our official Dream Con events. Bag searches will be performed at various entry locations. Wanding and metal detectors may be used at some locations as well. Possession of alcoholic beverages may be grounds for expulsion from the convention without a refund.
E-Cigarettes, Vaping Products & Devices
Traditional cigarettes, pipes, cigars, or E-cigarettes and any vaping product or device are prohibited inside the convention center, hotel, and other Dream Con venues. You are welcome to step outside the Convention Center to smoke in designated smoking areas only. This policy is in place not only for the comfort of attendees but also to comply with Arlington city ordinances prohibiting smoking at public events near any doorway, entrance, exit, or operable window. Non-compliance may result in removal from the convention without refund.
Real firearms are not allowed at Dream Con. This includes those attendees who maintain a Texas Weapons Carry License or a similar permit from another state. Dream Con Security, hotel security, and local law enforcement officials will treat anything that looks like a real weapon as a weapon. Attendees who choose to ignore this policy will be removed from the convention and will have their membership revoked without refund.
Outside Food and Beverages
No outside food or beverages allowed unless purchased from a Dream Con vendor. If Dream Con staff or security believes that you have brought in outside food or beverages, you will be asked to leave the venue and allowed to return without items.
Photography/ Filming Clause
To all participants and attendees entering Dream Con, be aware that photography, audio and video recording may occur. Attendance at the event grants your permission to be photographed, filmed, and/or otherwise recorded. Your appearance, voice, and name for any purpose whatsoever in connection with Dream Con and its initiatives may be used. This may include use on websites, archival, news and advertising, social media, and to the release, reproduction, or publication of any and all recorded media on event grounds.
You waive and release any claims you may have related to the use of recorded media of ‘you’ by entering Dream Con or event grounds. This includes, without limitation, any right to review or approve the photo, video or audio recording of you, any claims for invasion of privacy, violation of the right of publicity, defamation, and copyright infringement or for any fees for use of such record media.
Understand that all photography, filming and/or recording at Dream Con will be done in reliance on this consent. If you disagree with the following, please refrain from entering Dream Con or event grounds.
Dream Con prides itself on cultivating a friendly, diverse, and safe environment for all attendees, panelists, vendors, guests, staff and volunteers. In an effort to do so, Dream Con prohibits harassment of any kind, including sexual harassment/assault, and will take appropriate and immediate action in response to this behavior.
If you need to report an incident, please fill out the Incident Report Form.
Harassment is any verbal or physical conduct designed to intimidate or pressure, humiliate, threaten, make anyone feel uncomfortable.
Harassment includes but is not limited to the following:
- Offensive comments and hate speech in relation to age, race or ethnicity, citizenship, sexual orientation, gender identity or presentation, appearance or body size, pregnancy, veteran status, disability, or religion.
- Deliberate intimidation, bullying, assault, or inappropriate behavior to another person
- Stalking or following
- Unwanted photography after verbally requesting it to be stopped, clandestine photography or videography for the purpose of exploitation (hidden cameras, upskirt video, etc.)
- Sustained disruption of events
- Inappropriate or unwelcome physical contact
- Unwelcome sexual attention
- The use of social media to engage in any of the above behaviors while at the convention
Participants asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately. The above list is not exhaustive and the Dream Con staff are the final arbiter of what else may constitute harassment for the purposes of this policy.
Any form of physical aggression or assault will result in the immediate removal of the offending party without refund, and ultimately, expelled from Dream Con and future events.
Sexual harassment is defined as "unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical actions of a sexual nature.” Sexual harassment may take different forms such as:
- Verbal sexual harassment: This includes, but not limited to, suggestive comments, jokes of a sexual nature, innuendoes, sexual propositions, lewd remarks and threats; requests for any type of sexual favor (this includes repeated, unwelcome requests for dates); and verbal abuse that is directed toward a prohibitive form of harassment, including that which is sexual in nature.
- Nonverbal sexual harassment: This includes, but not limited to, the distribution, display or discussion of any written or graphic material; staring; leering; whistling; suggestive or insulting sounds; content in letters, notes, photos, text messages, tweets and social media posts; obscene gestures; or other forms of communication that are sexual in nature and offensive.
- Physical sexual harassment: This includes unwelcome, unwanted physical contact, including touching, tickling, hugging, kissing, brushing up against, cornering, groping, fondling, pinching, patting, and forced sexual intercourse or assault.
As appropriate and at the offended party’s discretion, a report may also be filed with the local authorities. Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault are legal distinctions that are outside the scope of Dream Con to decide and will be left to the authorities to take appropriate actions.
For other forms of harassment, within reason, you will receive only one warning from Dream Con staff or security. Further offenses will result in your removal from Dream Con without refund and potential bans from future Dream Con events.
If you feel that you are being harassed or witness harassment, please report it first to the Dream Con staff or security immediately. DO NOT personally confront the aggressor or post on social media. It is important to contact the appropriate Dream Con staff or security team to resolve the issue as quickly and effectively as possible. Our security team is properly equipped to handle these situations. You will always be able to find a Dream Con staff member and security member in the registration area.
Respect all parties involved in Dream Con. We understand that attendees are very excited to take pictures and record; however, respect the privacy of those who ask you not to take a picture of them.
Mobile App Guidelines
The Dream Con Mobile App is available for IOS and Android users. To help everyone enjoy our community and to cultivate a fun and safe environment, Dream Con prohibits inappropriate behavior and harassment of any kind, including sexual harassment.
When using the app, please keep in mind:
- We do not allow defamatory, indecent, offensive, profane, discriminatory, misleading, unlawful or threatening comments
- Personal attacks, name-calling, trolling and abuse will not be tolerated
- Spamming, posting promotional material or posting links to third party websites is not permitted
- We reserve the right to delete comments at our discretion and block any repeat offenders. We will remove content that is fraudulent, deceptive or misleading.
- Coordinated group attacks will not be tolerated.
- Respect others within the community (attendees, guests, sponsors, vendors, volunteers, and staff)
- Our community is a public place. Avoid posting personal information that you would not be comfortable sharing with a stranger. We recommend that you don’t post any information that may identify you or anyone else, such as your address, email address or phone number
Community managers/staff will give you one warning and mobile app users must comply immediately. Repeat offenders will be blocked from using the mobile app. This may also result in your removal from Dream Con without refund and potential bans from future Dream Con events.
Cosplay is such a fun and enjoyable aspect of anime culture and we love to see it at Dream Con; however, we want to make sure that all participants at the convention are safe. If you plan to cosplay or bring a cosplay prop to Dream Con, you must read and adhere to the rules.
- Costumes must be appropriate to wear in public. Fully nude or body paint (while nude) is not allowed. Please remember that we are family friendly and will have all ages (including those under 18) in attendance.
- Feet must be covered at all times. Shoes, flip flops, or other foot coverings must be worn. No bare feet will be allowed.
- No costumes or apparel with loose glitter. We will like to keep areas as clean as possible.
- No costumes that are offensive or intended to harass, provoke, or intimidate will be allowed. This also included any costumes or apparel that are associated with Nazis or organized hate groups.
If Dream Con staff or security believe that you are breaking one of these rules, you will be dismissed from convention to change out of cosplay and re-enter. Further offenses will result in your removal from Dream Con without refund and potential bans from future Dream Con events.
Cosplay Props
Dream Con has a no firearm policy for the entire duration of the convention and will be enforced. However, cosplay props will be allowed as long as they cannot be mistaken for real weapons.
Cosplay weapon props must adhere to the rules:
- We will allow realistic looking prop guns that have brightly-colored tips. Must be able to prove that it is not an actual weapon and cannot be used. BB guns will not be allowed.
- Projectile weapons such as water guns, silly string guns, ping-pong pistols, airsoft guns, etc. must be non-functioning. Must be able to prove that nothing will be able to shoot from the weapon. Example: Water gun tips and triggers will need to be hot glued shut so that nothing will shoot out or that the trigger cannot be pulled
- No metal weapons, sharp weapons, or blunt weapons (baseball bats, bokken, etc.)
- Prop bows will be allowed providing they are unstrung. All arrows must have soft tips.
- All plastic and wooden props must be reviewed by security
We are very happy to have so many great vendors and exhibitors at Dream Con! To make sure we are all on the same page, here are the policies and rules for Exhibitors.
Exhibitors must comply with all local, state and federal laws, and will not hold management liable for any breaches, losses, injury, or damage to themselves or their property. All exhibitors agree to hold blameless Dream Con and all Dream Con staff members and workers against any loss, damage, theft, expenses, claims or actions arising from any personal or property damage, loss or theft due to said exhibitors participation in Dream Con. Exhibitors should take reasonable measures to cover their items before they leave their booths at night. Exhibitors are responsible for their own security during show hours.
Booths must remain intact and manned throughout the hours of the convention and may not be dismantled prior to the closing of the convention without authorization from Convention Operations. Dream Con will not be held responsible for any issues arising from an unmanned booth during show hours.
- Dream Con will NOT provide or maintain insurance coverage for exhibitors persons or property, and it is their sole responsibility to obtain insurance covering the loss.
- Dream Con does not endorse any exhibitor’s merchandise, exhibits, views, beliefs, or actions. All merchandise bought or sold at Dream Con is done strictly between exhibitors and attendees, Dream Con is NOT party to or responsible in any way for any transactions made between said parties.
- No Vaping Pen, Vape, Tobacco, or Alcohol is allowed on Premise unless purchased through venue.
- No outside food vendors are allowed
- All adult materials must be either behind the table. If showcased on the table or display rack, materials must be bagged or covered so that minors may not open it... Exhibitors agree not to sell any adult materials to minors. Violating this rule is cause for immediate dismissal from the show with no refund, and being banned from any future events hosted by the show's management.
- No sales on site or promotion for online or off-site sales of any guns real or replica.
- State tax is the responsibility of the artist/vendor to collect according to state laws.
- No exhibit may block or interfere with other exhibits or aisle space. Any damage caused to the building or its furnishings by the Artist/Exhibitor are the sole responsibility of the Artist/Exhibitor.
- All sales are final for all booth purchases and, therefore, non-refundable. All booths are non-transferable to any other Dream Con event. This also includes all badges. Dream Con reserves the right to change the Refund, Transfer, and Resale Policy at any time without notification.
- Abandoned Property: Any property not removed from venue that has not been claimed within forty-eight (48) hours following the end of the event will be considered abandoned by the Exhibitor.
- Dream Con reserves the right to change, amend, and add to the rules and regulations of the show at any time. In the event that your new rules are added that prevent you from selling your core product, you will be notified and refunded in full.
- Dream Con will NOT provide or maintain insurance coverage for exhibitors persons or property, and it is their sole responsibility to obtain insurance covering the loss.
- Dream Con does not endorse any exhibitor’s merchandise, exhibits, views, beliefs, or actions. All merchandise bought or sold at Dream Con is done strictly between exhibitors and attendees, Dream Con is NOT party to or responsible in any way for any transactions made between said parties.
- No Vaping Pen, Vape, Tobacco, or Alcohol is allowed on Premise unless purchased through venue.
- No Bootleg DVDs or CDs. Representatives from various studios will be at the convention. Anyone selling unauthorized merchandise that infringes upon their copyright or licensing agreements (or any other studios) will be asked to leave the show. No refunds will be given if you break this rule and are asked to leave.
- No outside food vendors are allowed
- All adult materials must be either behind the table. If showcased on the table or display rack, materials must be bagged or covered so that minors may not open it... Exhibitors agree not to sell any adult materials to minors. Violating this rule is cause for immediate dismissal from the show with no refund, and being banned from any future events hosted by the show's management.
- No sales on site or promotion for online or off-site sales of any guns real or replica.
- State tax is the responsibility of the artist/vendor to collect according to state laws.
- No exhibit may block or interfere with other exhibits or aisle space. Any damage caused to the building or its furnishings by the Artist/Exhibitor are the sole responsibility of the Artist/Exhibitor.
- Abandoned Property: Any property not removed from venue that has not been claimed within forty-eight (48) hours following the end of the event will be considered abandoned by the Exhibitor.
- Dream Con reserves the right to change, amend, and add to the rules and regulations of the show at any time. In the event that your new rules are added that prevent you from selling your core product, you will be notified and refunded in full.