Austin Convention Center | Hilton Austin | July 26-28, 2024
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Welcome to Dream Con: Tips for the Socially Awkward


Attending a convention can be an exhilarating yet daunting experience, especially for those who feel socially awkward. Dream Con, with its vibrant mix of fandoms, activities, and people, offers a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in a world where everyone shares a passion for something. Here are some tips to help attendees make the most of their Dream Con experience.

1. Prepare in Advance

Preparation can be your best ally. Familiarize yourself with the convention schedule, map out the layout, and identify panels or activities that interest you. Having a plan can reduce anxiety and help you navigate the event more confidently.

2. Start Small

Begin with smaller, less crowded panels or workshops. These settings can be less overwhelming and provide a more relaxed environment to ease into the convention experience.

3. Use Conversation Starters

Conventions are filled with like-minded individuals, making it easier to strike up conversations. Wear a costume or a t-shirt featuring your favorite character or series; it can be an excellent icebreaker. Comments like, "I love your cosplay!" or "Have you read the latest issue?" can spark engaging conversations.

4. Attend Social Events

Many conventions host mixers, meetups, and social events specifically designed for attendees to mingle. These events often have structured activities or themes that can help guide interactions and make it easier to connect with others.

5. Take Breaks

It's essential to listen to your body and mind. If you start feeling overwhelmed, take a break. Find a quiet spot like the Manga Library, grab a snack, or step outside for some fresh air. Recharging can help you return to the convention floor feeling refreshed and more at ease.

6. Embrace Your Interests

Dive into activities and panels that genuinely interest you. Passion for a topic can make you more confident and provide natural conversation points with others who share the same enthusiasm.

7. Buddy System

If possible, attend with a friend. Having someone you know can provide a safety net and help ease social interactions. You can explore the convention together, making the experience less intimidating.

8. Meet Virtually

Attending Dream Con by yourself? There are a number of ways for you to virtually meet, interact, and build a community with other attendees both before and during Dream Con. 

9. Be Yourself

Remember that conventions are a celebration of individuality and shared passions. Embrace your quirks and be authentic. Chances are, many others feel just as awkward as you do and will appreciate your genuine self.

Dream Con is a place where fans come together to celebrate their passions. By taking a few steps to prepare and engage in the way that feels most comfortable for you, even the most socially awkward attendees can have an enjoyable and memorable experience. Remember, everyone is there to have fun and share their love for the things they care about. So take a deep breath, smile, and dive into the wonderful world of Dream Con!

2022 Attendance


Dream Con Attendees in 2022


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