Austin Convention Center | Hilton Austin | July 26-28, 2024
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Travel Tips for Dream Con 2024


With Dream Con just around the corner, being properly prepared to enjoy the trip is a necessity. Texas weather is no joke and so is the amount of attendees who will be here in Austin, Texas. Here are a few travel tips for you to enjoy Dream Con 2024!

Before The Convention:

  • Cosplayers should bring repair supplies for their carefully packed costumes. 
  • Comfortable shoes are necessary for being on your feet as there will be a LOT of walking.
  • Check out the map in advance to know ahead of time where attractive locations are at such as the Exhibit Hall and the Main Event Stage.
  • A reusable water bottle, portable charger, and cash are a must. 
  • If traveling from out of town, make sure you have space or an extra bag for merchandise.
  • Preview the convention schedule to plan out the weekend for which panels and shows you will be attending.

During The Convention:

  • Arrive early on convention day to avoid the long lines and get good seats in popular panels and events.
  • If staying at a hotel, please be sure to check-in and drop off your luggage before visiting the convention. 
  • Exploring the exhibit hall is a convention highlight, but it's easy to get lost. Use the map on Dream Con’s downloadable app to find your way!
  • Take your time to visit artists and vendors. Get to know them and follow them on their social media to discover more of their gifts and wares!
  • Budget your funds to prevent overspending on impulsive purchases.
  • Patience! Patience and understanding is necessary while waiting in line for an event. Bring something to play to occupy your time like a Nintendo Switch!

Health & Safety:

  • Deodorant is a must in this humid Texas weather, especially in crowded areas!
  • Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! Again, it's Texas, so drink plenty of water! There will be hydration stations around the convention.
  • Take pauses in quieter locations if you're overwhelmed or head back to your hotel room to rest and recover.
  • Get permission and respect cosplayers' privacy while taking images.
  • Get plenty of rest in between days to start the day off with high energy to take on the day!

After The Convention: 

  • Rest and recuperate after the convention. 
  • Stay in touch with new people on social media 
  • Think about what you loved and share your experiences online by tagging Dream Con #DreamCon2024

In addition, be sure to link with others who have attended Dream Con. They can provide great insight to help you. Without a doubt, you are now ready to enjoy Dream Con 2024!

2022 Attendance


Dream Con Attendees in 2022


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